Estonian free software seminar at 18th December 2013 ›

Current article compiling was supported by HITSA Tiger University program (in Estonian). At 18th December 2013 was in Estonia at HITSA ( - Information Technology Foundation for Education) seminar about free software and its possible usage at public sector, also in governme... lehel hakkas tööle HTTPS-protokoll ›

 Õnnestus leida sobivad IP-aadressid ning õpetus seadistamiseks ja saada tööle Let's Encrypti sertifikaat ning ka HTTPS-protokoll lehel. Loe algset postitust lehel Edmund Laugasson

Alvatal moved from GitHub to GitLab ›

Alvatal moved from GitHub to GitLab¶ Thursday, May 30, 2024 The website is now hosted on GitLab. Alvatal, short for “Estonian Free and Open-Source Software Association” is a non-profit umbrella organization for Estonian open-source and free software initiatives. Alvatal is led by Edmu...


NGO Estonian Free and Open-Source Software Association
© 2019 Alvatal
